
The 2023 series “Shaitan,” streaming on Hotstar, presents a gripping yet controversial crime drama that delves deep into themes of violence, survival, and the harsh realities of societal injustices. Directed by Mahi V. Raghav, the series is set in Madana Palle and follows the tumultuous journey of Baali, a character who transitions from an oppressed individual to a feared criminal.

Plot and Themes

“Shaitan” begins with a dramatic scene where Baali confronts and threatens a Home Minister. This initial confrontation sets the stage for a series of events that explore Baali’s past and the circumstances that led him down a path of crime.

The series reflects on issues like fake encounters, societal oppression, and the objectification of women, highlighted through the life of Baali’s mother, Savitri, who turns to prostitution to support her family. The series does not shy away from depicting the brutality and moral ambiguity of its characters’ lives, making it a raw and intense watch.

Characters and Performances

Rishi, portraying Baali, delivers a compelling performance, capturing the transformation of his character with intensity and depth. Supporting actors like Shelly (Savitri), Deviyani, Jaffer Sadiq, and Ravi Kale also bring strong performances, contributing to the series’ overall impact. Their portrayals help ground the series in a gritty realism, making the characters’ struggles and motivations palpable to the audience.

Technical Aspects

Visually, “Shaitan” excels with its stunning cinematography by Shanmugha Sundaram, who effectively captures the dark, atmospheric setting of the series. The background score by Sriram Madduri enhances the tension and emotional weight of key scenes. The editing keeps the narrative tight, although some critics have noted minor pacing issues where the story occasionally drags.

Reception and Critique

The series has received mixed reviews. On one hand, it is praised for its raw portrayal of crime and survival, strong performances, and high production values. On the other hand, some critics have pointed out that the series leans heavily on violence and explicit content, which might not appeal to all viewers. Additionally, there is a sense that the narrative could have delved deeper into the ideological aspects of Naxalism, rather than just focusing on the conflict between the police and the Naxalites.

Final Thoughts

“Shaitan” offers a hard-hitting look at the extremes people go to in the name of survival, blending elements of crime and drama with a heavy dose of realism. Despite its flaws, it stands out for its bold storytelling and the powerful performances of its cast. The series is recommended for viewers who appreciate intense crime dramas and are prepared for its explicit and often brutal content.

Overall, “Shaitan” succeeds in delivering a memorable and thought-provoking series that challenges viewers to confront the darker sides of human nature and societal issues.


The “Shaitan” series, released in 2023, is a gripping and intense thriller that captivated audiences with its compelling storyline, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes. The series, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Aneesh Chaganty, follows the story of a young woman named Maya who becomes entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation orchestrated by a mysterious figure known only as “Shaitan.”

One of the standout aspects of the series is its exceptional writing, which keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The plot is intricately crafted, with plenty of twists and turns that constantly challenge the audience’s expectations. Each episode is filled with suspenseful moments and shocking revelations, ensuring that viewers are always eager to see what happens next.

The performances in “Shaitan” are also top-notch, with the cast delivering powerful and nuanced portrayals of their characters. Maya, played by the talented Radhika Apte, is a particularly compelling protagonist, whose journey from innocence to empowerment is both inspiring and heart-wrenching to watch. Other standout performances include those of Vikrant Massey as the enigmatic “Shaitan” and Rajkummar Rao as Maya’s steadfast ally.

In addition to its thrilling plot and strong performances, “Shaitan” also delves into deeper themes such as power, corruption, and the nature of evil. Through its exploration of these themes, the series raises thought-provoking questions about morality and the lengths to which people will go to achieve their goals. The moral ambiguity of many of the characters adds an extra layer of complexity to the story, forcing viewers to grapple with their own ethical dilemmas.

Visually, “Shaitan” is stunning, with lush cinematography and striking set designs that bring the world of the series to life. The use of light and shadow is particularly effective in creating a sense of atmosphere and tension, while the stylish editing adds to the overall sense of unease.